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Missio Africanus

Missio Africanus was established in 2014 as a learning community focused on helping to release the missional potential of African and other non-Western Christians living in Britain. 

In doing so, to help the church in the UK to receive and utilise the gifts of African and other diaspora Christians, and empower the diaspora churches to successfully disciple their second generation and reach out beyond their own communities, Missio Africanus engages British and non-Western church leaders together for mutual learning that enriches the life of the wider church.

Our Programmes & Services

We are partnering with Church Mission Society (CMS) to launch an African Christianity route to a new MA in Theology Ministry and Mission. Read more about it here>>>

A podcast exploring issues in the field of African Christianity and African Theology both on the continent of Africa and in diaspora hosted by Dr Harvey Kwiyani. Available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, Amazon Podcast, and other podcast platforms.

Editing and publishing our self-titled Journal of African Missiology. You can read the latest issue here>>>

Pan-African Theology Roundtable

A virtual roundtable of African theologians hosted every month in partnership with Africa Theology Worldwide with ongoing conversations on African Christianity and Theology both on the continent and in the diaspora. Register for free here>>

Moya Chronicles

Moya Chronicles is a collection of short critical notes on African Christianity written by Missio Africanus leaders and friends of Missio Africanus. Read Moya Chronicles here>>> or subscribe here to receive subsequent editions directly on WhatsApp.

Second Generation Discipleship

Highlighting and addressing the challenge of discipling 2nd Generation members in diaspora congregations via conferences, books, etc. Our resource for this is “Our Children Need Roots and Wings” by Harvey Kwiyani

African Theological Network Press

Publishing theological resources for the wider African church through our partnership in the African Theological Network Press

Contact Address

“British Christians prayed for revival. When it came, they did not recognise it because it was black.” We need to begin to undo this.
Dr. Harvey Kwiyani
Executive Editor, MAJAM

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About Missio Africanus

Missio Africanus was established in 2014 as a learning community focused on helping to release the missional potential of African and other non-Western Christians living in Britain.